'Twenty, Twenty, Twenty Four Hours To Go....'
Yes, the time is nigh for another instalment of your favourite uber-debauched club night, starring Phonica manager and honorary TAPEr Simon Rigg, and the lovely Skull Juice chaps who are residents at Bloggers Delight at the Lock Tavern, and their own Camberwell jaunt, Walk The Night. Top chaps, great taste, and we're sure that the night will end up being greater than the sum of its parts. Honestly, I'm more excited about this Mutant Pop than any that've been before, firstly due to it being TAPE's second birthday (woo!), and also having guests down that have a proven track record (see the tales of Simon's previous two TAPE appearances here) of smashing it out and making the assembled crowd freak like there's no tomorrow.
I've even been hearing stories that Ben from t'Juice (who also now works at Phonica) and the Rigg have been baiting each other with ideas on how they're going to trump each other in their battle for the dancefloor, and I hear that Simon's even planning on bringing a Freq Nasty record in his box... Eek! Whether he'll use it, only time will tell...
I shall be dancing dancing
See you at the front!
ve have ze technologie!
Nice banner lads!
See you at the front!
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