Friday, March 17, 2006

Your bank will not allow this service

Seriously. Another weekend, another bout of joke pennilessness. I have ten quid in the world to last me a week, and I'm about to squander it on four drinks that I won't enjoy. I tell you, being a student stops being funny after a while. An undergrad wouldn't stand for this. I feel close to madness. I've spent forty hours this week thinking and writing (fallaciously) about the subversion of authorial identity in post-postmodernism. Jesus. You know, it's not like I'm down a mine or anything, but still...You know you've hit the bottom rung when you're turning to your own blog for existential salvation. I feel like I'm sixteen years old. I wish I was on a large boat off the coast of Sicily, snorting ket and listening to Love with Yoshi out of Super Mario Bros, with Keith Floyd cooking dinner down below and Ronaldinho showboating on the upper deck. But I'm not, and it's time for me to leave you in peace. The moral of the story: Mr Soft does not like having serious work to do. Diddums.
Here's that rude Apparat mix of Nathan Fake.

Nathan Fake - Charlie's House (Apparat Mix) // Border Community


Blogger Tal said...

nothing like some post-postmodernism to get you through the day.

1:42 AM  
Blogger ghost robot said...

i really enjoyed this post. i'm broke, i ain't got no job, and i graduate in months. at least there's music.

5:08 PM  

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